Saturday, 20 September 2008

Setting off for the coast

I've spent 2 days in Seattle which has been fun. We went to see a dodgy band at an even dodgier venue called The Comet, I drank a lot of coffee (but managed not to go to Starbucks once which is quite a feat in this town) and genrally had a relaxing time. Thanks a million to James and Stasha for putting me up, being great company and cooking me some delicious food.

I'm off to Shelton today, and I plan to be at the coast (Astoria) by Wednesday then I can start the Pacific highway. It's raining for the first time today so I'm going to take it sloooow.

Hopefully I'll be able to post again within a couple of days.


Clare said...

Hey dudes. Photos are cool!! It's 4pm here and I'm just taking a little break from work. Wow 1/2 stone lost already. I definately have to get on a bike. I ate so many take aways last week that I have undone all my good gym work. Went to Martin's family's wedding on on weekend. Was loads of fun. Martin's ma and pa and going to sign up to your blog as they really want to keep up with your progress. Martin's Dad was reminising on knowing you for so long. It was rather cute (don't tell him that he likes portray a grumpy old bugger persona). Martin's mum wants to have her own blog too. Ames is now back from US of A so I'll update you about her trip Keep trucking!! Clare D xxx

Jane H said...

hi mr s. sounds like it's slow going so far - being weighed down really does make those hills a bugger doesn't it? what you need is a cycling partner who you can give all the heavy stuff to!

anyway, don't worry, your legs will start to get used to it - soon you'll be part man part bike. and keep on eating, you don't want to run out of carbs on a long ride.
jane. xx

Alastair said...

Hi Clare, wedding sounds cool. Can't believe Martn's little cousins are getting married now!

Jane - yeah eating the right stuff does make a huge difference. Had a mexican breakfast (ha ha - that sounds wrong) this morning with loads of beans and tortilla and am sure that helped me along the way. Hmmm yes could do with someone to carry the heavy stuff - send Ralph over!